238 – Double Crochet Chainless Foundation Tutorial
238 – Double Crochet Chainless Foundation Tutorial
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I’ll show you how to make a row of double crochets without having to make a chains in the beginning! Also, I’ll show you how to add loops at the end of the row.
To begin, it’s necessary to make 4 chains.
Yarn over the hook, and then insert the hook into the first chain.
Yarn over the hook, and draw up a loop. Now we have three loops on the hook.
Yarn over the hook again and draw the yarn through 1 loop on the hook. Now we have three loops on the hook again.
Now we make double crochet stitch. Yarn over the hook again and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook. Repeat this again. Double crochet is done.
Repeat this process.